Introduction: **Turning** is a captivating tale of fate, time, and second chances. The story centers around a protagonist who, after a life-altering event, finds themselves thrust into a reality where time itself can be bent and reversed. With the ability to "turn" moments in time, they must navigate a complex web of choices, consequences, and hidden truths.
As the protagonist journeys through this new, unpredictable world, they discover that each decision they make ripples through time, altering not only their own fate but the lives of those around them. However, the power to turn time comes with its own dangers. Manipulating the past is not without consequences, and each change could lead to unforeseen disasters.
**Turning** is a thrilling blend of science fiction and emotional drama, exploring themes of destiny, redemption, and the price of tampering with time. Will the protagonist be able to rewrite their story, or will they become trapped in an endless cycle of regrets? This gripping novel will keep readers on the edge of their seats, questioning whether it's ever truly possible to turn back time without paying a heavy price.